Manufacturing Sites
Racecourse Refinery
Completed in 1994, Racecourse Refinery is Australia's largest, newest and most advanced sugar refinery, producing up to 450,000 tonnes per annum.
Designed for continuous operation, the refinery only needs a few maintenance shutdowns each year. The refining process itself is largely conventional with the addition of a final conditioning step.
Raw sugar for the refinery comes direct from the adjacent Mackay Sugar Racecourse Mill and other surrounding mills during the cane-crushing season (June to November). During the non-crushing season (December to June) the raw sugar comes from the Mackay Bulk Sugar Terminal.
There are substantial financial and environmental benefits associated with locating refineries in cane-growing areas and close to sugar mills. These include energy savings, reduced transport, considerably lower capital costs and reduced labour costs.

Mackay Port Terminal
Our Mackay Port Terminal comprises a sugar packaging facility, warehouse, distribution centre, bulk sugar storage silo and ship loading facility. All sugar processed at the Mackay Port Terminal is produced at Racecourse Refinery, located 13km from the terminal.

Yarraville Refinery
The Yarraville Refinery in Melbourne is Australia's longest-established sugar refinery, having commenced operations in 1873. From producing 320 tonnes of sugar per week with the assistance of horse-drawn carriages, the Yarraville Refinery now boasts modern technology to maximise production while maintaining the highest quality product, producing up to 300,000 tonnes of sugar each year.
The site produces a wide range of packaged sugar products including various sizes for retail, 15kg bags for the food service industry, 25kg bags and 1 tonne bulk bags for industrial customers, along with liquid sugar, invert syrup, golden syrup, treacle, brown sugars and icing sugars in a range of retail and industrial pack sizes.
The benefit of the Yarraville location is its proximity to some of Australia’s major food manufacturing industries, which use refined sugar as an ingredient, and the site's access to wharf facilities on the Maribyrnong River for receiving 100% Australian-grown bulk raw sugar milled in Queensland.

Glebe Packing Plant
Sugar Australia's Glebe Packing Plant in Sydney Harbour plays a key role in the sugar supply chain. Transported to the site from Mackay, bulk refined sugar is packed into various retail and industrial pack sizes or into bulk loaders for industrial customers. The benefit of the Sydney location is its proximity to some of the major food manufacturing industries in Australia, which use sugar as an ingredient, and the site's access to wharf facilities for receiving bulk sugar.