Roast vegetable & fetta frittata
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Roast vegetable & fetta frittata

  • Difficulty Easy
  • Prep time 10 mins
  • Cooking time 1 hrs
  • Serves

600g sweet potato or pumpkin (peeled and chopped)
1 capsicum, chopped into 2cm pieces
2 zucchini, chopped
100g fetta, crumbled


Step 1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Place the sweet potato or pumpkin, capsicum and zucchini on a baking tray. Drizzle with oil. Bake for 40 minutes or until soft and golden.
Step 2. Place the vegetables in a 20 cm non-stick frying pan. To make the frittata mix, whisk together the eggs, milk, cheese, herbs and pepper.
Step 3. Pour over the vegetables in the frying pan and then crumble fetta over the top. Cook over low heat on the stove for 8–10 minutes or until the frittata begins to set. Place the frittata under a preheated hot grill and cook for 2 minutes or until golden.
Step 4. Allow to stand for 5 minutes before slicing into thick wedges. Serve immediately with a salad or toast.