Italian Beef Meatloaf with Tomato Salsa - all about sugars
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Italian Beef Meatloaf with Tomato Salsa

Source: Recipe sourced from Weight Watchers Eat and Enjoy
  • Difficulty Moderate
  • Prep time 20 mins
  • Cooking time 45 mins
  • Serves

1 tbsp olive oil

2 cloves garlic, crushed

1 small red capscium, finely chopped

1 small brown onion, finely chopped

1 small carrot, coarsley grated

500 g extra-lean beef mince

1 egg, lightly beaten

1/2 cup pitted green olives, coarsely chopped

1/3 cup fresh torn basil leaves

Tomato salsa

1 tbsp fresh basil leaves, torn

4 small vine-rippened tomatoes, chopped

1/2 small red onion, finely chopped

1 tbsp red wine vinegar

  1. Preheat oven to 200°C or 180°C fan forced. Line base and sides of a 21cm x 11cm loaf pan with baking paper.
  2. Heat half the oil in a large non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat. Add garlic, capsicum and brown onion and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes or until softened. Stir in carrot. Cool.
  3. Place mince, egg, olives, basil and onion mixture in a large bowl. Mix to combine. Press mixture into prepared pan and smooth the surface. Bake for 40 min or until meatloaf is cooked through. Stand for 5 minutes. Drain excess fat before slicing thickly.
  4. Meanwhile, combine tomato, red onion and remaining basil in a medium bowl. Add vinegar and remaining oil. Season with freshly ground black pepper. Toss salsa to combine. Serve meatloaf with tomato salsa.
Nutrition Information
   Per serve
Energy  1500 kJ
Protein  39.9 g
Fat  16.8 g
Carbohydrate   8.1 g
 - Sugar  7.3 g